Life at LumiraDx

We believe we make the best decisions and get the best results when we have a shared purpose and clear direction.

That's why we're honest about what you can expect from us and open about what we expect in return.

Here's what you can expect from us...

Work towards a challenging and exciting shared purpose: help solve some of the biggest challenges in global health. We value the initiative and critical capacity of each individual, and so you'll have the freedom to question the norm, make decisions and do things differently, regardless of your role or level.

We empower our members to take control of their development guiding and supporting your journey with access to learning, resources, and development opportunities to help you grow in whatever direction you want to take your career.

We recognize the contribution of each of our members with fair and competitive pay, flexible benefits that are equitable and not based on hierarchy. We share our financial success with the team and will recognize the effort of each individual when they do something great.

We stand out as a collaborative and inclusive environment where anyone can be themselves, where ideas and experiences matter, and where everyone can influence the products and solutions that provide better outcomes to patients across the globe.

Health and wellbeing are at the heart of our business and a top priority. We're committed to providing our people with a range of benefits and resources that recognize and support physical, mental, and financial wellbeing. Check our benefits here.

And here's what we expect in return...

We expect our employees to do the right thing, working ethically and with high quality in everything you do. Take action, informed by reliable data, and consider the impact of decisions today will have on tomorrow and have the courage to make tough choices, even when they might not be easy or popular.

Be better and deliver better outcomes for our teams, customers, and society. Proactively look for opportunities to develop and grow personally, making innovation and continuous improvement part of everyday life at LumiraDx.

Adapt for speed and respond to changing customer needs at pace. Take a 'can do' attitude, flexing quickly. You might not always get it right, and that's OK. We fail fast and apply our learning for even better future solutions.

Deliver together, collaborating on shared goals built on a foundation of mutual trust. You'll have the space and freedom to succeed, and operating with the team's best interests will be critical to achieving extraordinary results.

Foster belonging with your colleagues. Celebrate the strength of difference, amplify different perspectives and fresh ideas creating an enthusiastic environment where innovation can flourish, and everyone can thrive.