This web site (the ‘Site’) (excluding linked sites) is controlled by LumiraDx UK, 3 More London Riverside, SE1 2AQ, London (company number 09206123 (‘LumiraDx’ or ‘Company’), and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. The Site can be accessed from various countries around the world. As each of these countries has laws that may differ from those of the United Kingdom, by accessing the Site both you and LumiraDx agree that the laws of the England and Wales shall apply to all matters arising from or relating to the use and Content of the Site. You also agree and hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of London, United Kingdom with respect to such matters.

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While browsing this Site you may be offered automatic links to other web sites relevant to a particular aspect of this Site. This does not indicate that LumiraDx is necessarily associated with any of these other sites or their owners. While it is the intention of LumiraDx that you should find these other sites of interest, neither LumiraDx, its affiliates, nor its or their respective directors, officers, employees or agents shall have any responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for these other sites or any information contained in them, none of which have been verified or endorsed by LumiraDx. Other LumiraDx sites may be governed by separate, specific Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies. Upon your entry to another LumiraDx site, you should carefully read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies governing such site.

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LumiraDx may list or describe certain career opportunities on this Site. LumiraDx makes no guarantee or promise that, upon application for employment, you will receive an offer for employment or placement in the position for which you applied, or that any employment or position is available.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Statement

LumiraDx does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or veteran status. LumiraDx makes all decisions regarding offers of employment in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws.

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